Friday 1 January 2021

New Year 2021 …….

Well, I think it has to be a tentative "Hello" to 2021 …… only because of what 2020 bought with it ......


....... however, not wishing to jinx anything, naturally I felt I had to toast the New Year in with a chilly Long Island Iced Tea, my cocktail of choice ...... well, it would have been rude not to!

No resolutions this year, just the hope that we can all continue to stay safe while patiently waiting the call/text to arrange our appointments to finally receive the Covid-19 vaccine, I tell you, my sleeve is already well and truly rolled up in anticipation.

seat by the river_thumb[3]

In the meantime, I simply plan to keep my nose well and truly down, having, as far as I can, a no spend January, doing the school run three afternoons a week, while trying to clean and tidy The Towers after the ravages of Christmas and New Year plus several sleepovers, because at the moment everywhere looks like a bomb has hit it.  I need a really, really good chuck out, but I am delaying that for a week or so just to make sure that the charity shops are taking in new stuff. 

IMG_7338After eleven odd years Fiddle Fart is a very hard habit to kick, but as I haven't crafted for the past four weeks or so and have no scheduled posts in the pipeline there might only be one or two "fill in/bitty" posts a week for a while until I get back into the swing of things. I have a few ideas ...... and as it's going to be a no spend month I did manage to sneak in an order for a few things from The Works before 2020 was over ......... 



  1. Happy New Year to you, too! I am also feeling tentative about welcoming the new year too robustly. I'm just not sure what it has in store for us, so I'll take it a day at a time. Stay healthy and safe!

  2. Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and Covid free New Year, and hopefully holidays with the children


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