Tuesday 2 February 2021

2020 Christmas Cards

This is a long overdue post, my apologies, home schooling is taking it’s toll, but nether the less, a belated humungous thank you to everyone who was kind enough to send me one of their beautiful 2020 Christmas cards, all of which took pride of place on my “special card shelf”,  which I thought would bring to you today.


I will admit, that in 2020 I was and still continue to be, very lazy with my cards, every one I tackle seems to lack a certain enthusiasm and spark, I am just hoping that having talented people’s work so close at hand will rub off on me.  How can I fail to smile at Christine’s card (above) ……..


I love Maisie’s too, especially as it is completely hand  painted, I don’t think I could ever be that brave but it will be put in my cupboard next to my paint box as a salient reminder to have a flipping go and not dismiss everything creative that scares me!


I also need to look at my dies again with fresh eyes, my Big Shot is sooooooo under used.  I think it has a lot to do with my current set up, it’s often simply too much trouble to get all the paraphernalia out for just one or two die cuts.  I have my new sofa bed in the lounge ready to move into my spare room, I am just waiting for the bed currently in there to be moved by my niece, but lockdowns haven’t helped  the situation any ………


…….. but seeing these cards from Krafty Karen(above) and Valery Ann (below)  which were both much admired and so clever, perhaps, when things are back to ‘normal’ and I have a  part time craft room, my Big Shot and dies can have their own space where they can be left out to inspire …..


…… and I will no longer have that same old, same old excuse.


I also don’t stamp enough and there’s no excuse as I love my small Tim Holtz stamping platform which prints perfectly almost every time after years of frustration trying to do it “by hand” ……….IMG_8405

……. something else that needs to be left out and on view when my room is sorted me thinks!


Yes, I have much to take inspiration from, as well as kicking my lazy bum when thinking about Christmas 2021.


A special thank you too for this beautiful handsewn brooch, I am so sorry but in my excitement to get it put on my coat I completely forgot to note which card it came with, how BAD is that?  I think it may have been from Krafty Karen (?),  but just to say that I love it and it will be a treasure that will come out year after year.  XXX THANK YOU XXX  

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It’s a little to early to think too much about this Christmas, however the craft stick nativity tree decorations I sent this year seemed to go down really well, although their depth meant that they had to be sent as a large letter. So this year I want to continue with the Christmas tree decoration theme, Monkeys included, but whatever two ideas I come up with will need to be flat enough to go as an ordinary letter to help save on postage …….. I am thinking craft sticks, with a painted, stamped or even die cut snowman, ……. hmmmmm, we shall see.


  1. Fun to see all the cards you received. I am always in awe of others' card-making talents.

  2. you had some beautiful and very different styles of cards this year. I love my little manger and I still have it on show lol

  3. So glad you liked the card - I will see if I can find the template and instructions for it and send you a copy as it wasn't die cut but all done on a scoring board/trimmer and yes the brooch was from me - glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the little decoration, it looked lovely on my tree.

    Best wishes
    Krafty Karen xx


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