Thursday 4 March 2021

Problems Editing Pinterest Pins – Pin Titles Missing or Completely Wrong On Board

Aghhhh, I hate wasting my valuable time trying to figure out how something can work perfectly well one day and then go to pot the next and I have to say over the years it’s Pinterest that’s caused me the most grief!

So, last weekend I wanted to save a few more pictures to my Its All Fiddle Fart Board on Pinterest ………….. I hope my descriptions of the following problem makes sense


When the pin was saved, it came up like this, with was no title – just the name of my blog and it’s main introductory header, no problem I thought, I could just put it right by clicking the edit button ………


……. but was greeted by this with no option to change the title or add a description???????

I Googled the problem and found nothing so in the end resorted to Pinterest’s Help Centre, I got a “robot” reply (agghhhh again) but followed the suggested steps …….. only to then find after logging in again that the whole of my Fiddle Fart board in a stage of utter disarray …….


……. where the titles didn’t match the pictures, and were then repeated over and over again on all manner of other pins, with again no option to edit.  It just doesn’t make sense and if I log off and on again, these random titles change to something else (???)  I have now e-mailed a “real person” at Pinterest for a solution, I think I’ll hold my breath!


This is how the edit screen should look, with  boxes to add a title, description and alternative text etc.

The only way around this has been to open a completely new account with a new e-mail address and starting a brand new board, again called It’s All Fiddle Fart all from scratch to save pins as they should be, but this now leaves well over 10 years worth of pins languishing in an unholy mess in my old account, this can’t be right can it? Pins are saved with a title so that hopefully the picture and links etc. will be returned in peoples searches (hopefully encouraging traffic to Fiddle Fart), without a title how are any of my pins ever going to be found again? 

I know Pinterest update on a regular basis which is why I have encountered problems over the years, sometimes they have righted themselves without rhythm or rhyme after a day or so.  I await their reply, I am not hopeful. Any possible solutions very gratefully accepted, I can’t believe this problem is only affecting me!

NB I have not changed anything on my computer or my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Program problems are so irritating! Sorry you have to deal with this. I've had my own troubles with Pinterest and have found no real solutions.


Thank you for wanting to leave a comment. I HATE verification and apologise for the extra bother it causes, however, if I don't have it I get all sorts of dubious spam added and the comments would be bogged down utter ***p!

Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.