Thursday 8 April 2021

A Piece of Easter Charity Shop Tut!

This is what I’ve soooooooooo missed during three lockdowns finding erm ……. seasonally themed treasure tut  in the local charity shops!


I mean who wouldn’t want this piece of prize kitsch depicting a young, bonneted child proffering a carrot to her pet (or random) rabbit, gracing their Easter display for the third year running now!


Ok, so the bunny had been knocked of his pedestal at some time in the past but for just 25p it would have been rude not to make a considered purchase …….


……. because perched up on the shelf for a couple of weeks over the holiday no one ever gets to see the cracks! I am soooooo counting the days down until the charity shops are open again and I can go once looking for something to make me smile or go in Marc and Ricks Sack of Tut at Christmas …………. it keeps me sane?????!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wish you could visit the thrift shop where I volunteer each week. We often get in items like this.


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