Monday, 19 April 2021

Beach Hut Magnet Decorations

A variation on my basic craft stick “house” design, turning my thoughts to small themed fairing gifts for Iris and Bertie’s teachers as a Thank you at the end of the summer term with perhaps a stick of rock?

I started by making the basic house shape using small blue, red and yellow coloured craft sticks (Hobbycraft, pack of 50 for £1.00) ………..


……… adding a few doodled lines using a white gel pen …………


…… and ready made bunting, (I know, I could have made my own), £1 from The Range.


All the MDF shapes came from BR Garden and BR Crafts, their range of shapes is fantastic and could keep me busy for years.

I just ordered a few shapes in the first place to see if the proportions worked and found that the 20mm and 30mm sizes suit this size project best. 


I had treated myself to a full set of Ranger Enamel Accents, but to be honest, white is all I really need. By covering the whole shape completely with the white I can then add the colours I need using Sharpie pens, especially on something as small as the seagull and buckets and spades.

Dovecraft 3D Enamel EffectsIMG_0144

I added yellow Dovecraft Enamel Effects on the shelf of the hut for the the sand, as the texture is more “blobby” and not as refined as the Ranger Enamels when dry which I  prefer on some projects.

I added googly eyes to the large crabs and just a white enamel to the small one with a black centre using a fine black permanent pens.

I intend to stick a small magnet on the back of the beach huts, I just need to order them from eBay.

I have other seaside shapes like octopuses and seahorses to use, but I needed to sort out this basic design before going wild, but expect to see variations on the theme in the coming weeks and perhaps even a few brooch/badges.


  1. This is such a fun little summer scene. You're so creative! I think the recipients will love them.

  2. They’re amazing, they’ll be perfect as gifts to the teachers.


  3. I love beach huts so these are right up my street!

  4. They are brilliant! Another inspired project!


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