Tuesday 15 June 2021

Half Term Crafts

Following on from yesterday’s post I kept a 10p Zombie Science Kit aside for Half Term antics with Iris and Bertie ……….


Not wishing to sound ungrateful, but I am really glad I got the kit for such a bargain price as think we all would have been a disappointed if I’d bought it at full price ………..


…….. and why I rarely buy kits like this anyway, they promise much, but I am not so sure that they always deliver.


We “made” the hand and kept it in the fridge overnight to set, leaving it looking like something bought home from Daddy’s forensic lab.


It didn’t fare much better when it was cautiously removed from its mould, because, as the day went on, the jelly appeared to shrink back from the bones.  It was all most unsavoury.  However, when we’d all had enough of looking at it I did manage to salvage said bones for Halloween crafting……….


However, all was not lost for our Half Term crafting as Bertie has suddenly discovered his crafting roots and I, in turn, found that having a craft room was a brilliant decision, with the little fella feeling free to go rootling in the drawers, even before breakfast, wrapped in his snuggly blanket to chose what all the bits and pieces he wanted to “make with”, bless his cotton socks.


He found a couple of wooden peg dolls and decided to make fairies and houses for them.  Thank goodness for Kellogg's variety packs boxes!


All of which displayed his characteristic attention to detail, including bubble wrap smoke coming from the mini cotton reel chimneys pots.


Beautiful …….. and all his own work, except for the doors which I cut to his very exacting instructions.The silver fairy and the green roofed house were duly taken to school, a present for his beloved (and very pretty) Miss Muitt and the other set proudly displayed in his bedroom. It’s taken a while, but I think I’ve made a crafter out of him, just like Iris!


  1. You've definitely brought out Bertie's crafting abilities. His fairy houses are adorable!

  2. Young Bertie is a clever crafter. Love what he’s made-I can see him spending lots of time in your new craft room.



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