Monday 7 June 2021

I’m Back ……..

Well, I’m back from a wonderful restful week with Marc and Rick ………


……. and judging from my tightening waistband there can be no doubt of where I have been as the food was glorious with both Marc and Rick being the most fantastic cooks, I am currently assigned to nil by mouth!


I’ll be honest, almost no crafting was done ……… Marc and I exchanged a few crafty bits and pieces …………


…… and I started off the diamond painting picture I got for Marc from AliExpress for his birthday, but OMG the pieces are tiny, with 40 different coloured tiles …….


…… if it ever gets finished it will be a labour of love and a flipping miracle!


The elephant in the room for the week was obviously the result of the Eurovision Song Contest …….. now, we didn’t expect the UK to do well, but null points(?) especially when compared to, in our humble opinion, the car crash of a song from Italy that eventually won the whole flipping thing. Admittedly they were always the bookies favourite, but we just didn’t get it.  The UK wasn’t robbed, but a couple of other countries were!


However, rest assured, we will all be together to do it all again next year, God willing, putting ourselves through the same agony no doubt, but well, it would be rude not to wouldn’t it?


Marc loved his sack of birthday presents ……… and he laughed and cried in all the right places, as I knew he would ………


…….. with the £2.50 charity shop hedgehog light taking prime position, under a shady tree in front of the veranda for all to see and admire!


My loungewear also drew gasps of appreciation and admiration as I flounce into the lounge on Saturday morning – sorry no photos …………


…….. as well as laughter, when I wondered out aloud if I’d perhaps peaked too soon, so early on in the day, rather than keeping the big reveal for just before Eurovision started ……….


…….. however, It’s all very casual at the cottage, so I continued to strut around in said £3.00 charity shop outfit for a few days more rather than get dressed properly, in turn saving on any unnecessary washing when I got home.


As you know I always come back from the cottage brimming full of ideas, however, for once, I turned down a potential project  ……….


……. in the guise of this super sized Ikea lantern, if I had the space back at The Towers it would have been mine, painted black and inside a diorama featuring two dressed skeletons, one standing, wielding a broom and the other sat on a chair holding a cup and saucer, both surrounded by glittery pumpkins and spiders etc. but it was just too big to store, perhaps if it’s still there on my next visit I’ll take the bits and pieces to do it, however, Rick was really keen to have a proper clear out, so it was destined for the tip if I didn’t take it.


The cottage has also undergone a few big changes since my last visit in July 2020, including a new bathroom and much changed bedrooms.


Rick is such a fantastic interior designer, his putting together of colours and textures and then incorporating memories and pieces from his family history, always has me sighing and experiencing serious design envy ………


……… like his mum’s flower fairy plates in the guest bedroom.  They also bought memories back for me, as I can remember being given a flower fairies book for my birthday before I could even read properly, a book long gone, but of which I will be keeping an eye out for on my many charity shop moochings. 


Naturally, I came home with a couple of ideas, I need more colour in my life ……… but of that, more tomorrow.


  1. Awwww, it looks like you had such a good time. I'm so glad you did. Thanks for sharing some of it with us.

  2. Oh my, I used to have a wall full of those flower fairy plates too! Sadly all gone to the charity shop now, but I do love flower fairies and can remember like you having an enchanting ladybird book of flower fairy poems when I was young. Happy memories!


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