Wednesday 9 June 2021

Three Counties Malvern Flea And Collectors Fair – May Bank Holiday

This was me after walking round the Malvern Flea and Collectors Fair last Monday, on what was the hottest day (at last) of the year, so far ……….


We got there early, just before 9.00am and left at around 3.30pm ……Lu clocked our steps and we had done 8km, with two sandwich breaks, no wonder I felt and looked as above!


As per usual there was much to see ……… with more stalls than we have ever seen there.


This small coffee table caught both our eyes, I think it was around the £30 mark. On closer inspection I would say that it had been covered, very carefully, with what felt like wallpaper. Looking at these pictures again with fresh eyes, perhaps it looks cheapened and weirdly kitcheny …… but it’s certainly an idea for if ever I come across a similar table for free or under a fiver perhaps.


This was Lu’s “one that got away” ……. a complete mid century dinner and coffee service for £50.  To be honest what she really wanted were the bowls as she is putting together an eclectic mish mash of her own using different designs of the same period. She has several sizes of plates and lidded serving dishes and said bowls would have fit in well ……. however, as she says, the fun is in the chase when you are looking for something you really want.


It’s weird how there always seems to be a lot of something in abundance that wasn’t so prevalent at previous fairs, this time around it was fairground signs, of which Lu was desperate for the Hook A Duck one, it would have looked perfect in her garden perhaps on her shed …….. next time, we’ll actually ask the price, if we see something similar again.


There were also so many old sewing boxes I lost count plus wooden afternoon tea, plate stands, for around £30 to £40.  I was half looking for a couple of tall, wooden plant stands, as I have decided my lounge/diner needs more greenery, but I don’t think I saw a single one ……….


I did however have my “Lourdes Moment”, as I do love a bit of religious kitsch, at £8 it was a bit rich for my taste, so remains a pleasure left once again for another time and another place, but someone must have been spookily watching over me during the week as I did find a boxed and unused candle from Lourdes for just 20p, in my favourite Vale Wildlife shop in Evesham …….it’s an omen!


There was also the bizarre ……. there was a tiny doll at the front of this glass case that bought back so many memories and feelings of my childhood, if I could have had a good delve, I would have definitely fished it out. As for the skull et al housed in what looked like a reptile cage, it’s given me an idea for a Halloween diorama.           


Lu and I both reckoned that Liberty looked uncharacteristically short and dumpy and must have suffered some sort of loss to her middle regions which must have been painful.  We also both love a painted mirror, always leaving me “thinking” that I should have a go, as I have a spare vintage style mirror in the hall cupboard I really have no excuse ……..


There was, once again, a whole plethora of wooden glass cabinets of different styles and eras that had the both of us oohing and ahhhing and wishing that we each had the room for one to turn into a “en trend” drinks cabinet …….. and with prices from as little as £15 to £30 …… it would have been an absolute steal.

We both spent more than we have in ages – I spent £14, a huge sum for me, although £7 of that was on a brand new, patchwork style jacket that I think originally came from either Wish or AliExpress, that I thought would be OK for the autumn school run when a coat is still too heavy, but the rest spent on fripperies and nonsense, without a shred of taste!!!


As I said before I need more greenery around the towers, so this pot filled the bill to put a small Poundland jade plant in (plant £1). The pot was also £1 but in a shocking state round the back but nothing a Sharpie pen and a lick of varnish can’t put right, although it will never be seen.


In contrast this huge terracotta painted plate/charger was in perfect condition and also cost me £1 …… I have put foam pads on the bottom and it is now the fruit bowl of choice on the dining table.


One of my “small” regrets when clearing my old house back in Wolverhampton was letting go of Tom and Lu’s mouse house boot lamp. At the time I couldn’t imagine it in my future home and neither Tom or Lu wanted it, so it went to the charity shop.  This house sort of fills the gap, from the same stall as the plate and was again £1.  The plug had been removed but the bulb fitting left, perhaps, one day I might see if I can have it all lit up again.


Lu spotted this monstrosity of a money box first, said nothing, but watched,  knowing that I have mum no taste, to see if I’d pick it up, I did, she knows me so well!


At £2 I was robbed good and proper. However, after some research it’s 1960’s/70’s, made in Hong Kong and sold generally in the USA. I am going to enjoy its pleasures for a couple of months (?) and then it’s going on eBay where I should get my money back several times over with luck.

And the sad and sunstroke suffering Kermit from the beginning of the post ………….?


Well, I couldn’t leave him there, he came home with me ………. he looks so forlorn, he just makes me smile …… does that make me a bad person? 


  1. What a fun day you had! The dinner service is most likely from around 1970 and made by Johnson Brothers - I had one that was identical in shape but in 'tasteful' orange and lime green. The coffee pot and casseroles are very distinctive shapes, especially with the plain lids. Amazing it's survived for so long - probably kept for best and hidden away in a cupboard I imagine.

    Di xx

  2. Me again, having thought further, I think it was possibly J & G Meakin who make this very distinctive style. Put me out of my misery please! xx


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