Tuesday 5 October 2021

Boo Brew – Hot Chocolate Drinks For Halloween 2021

It’s been years since I have made any Boo Brew  favours, but this year I decided to make some for Iris and Bertie to give to their teachers as fairing gifts at the end of their first half term.


They are not as fancy as the Boo Brews of yore, but I hope they will still hit the spot.

Mandarine Halloween Origami Paper

I thought that I really ought to try and use up some of the Halloween origami papers I bought a year or so ago from Amazon.


I cut the  different papers into 7ins x 7ins squares and spray glued them onto green card to make the insert feel a little more substantial.  I then typed and printed out the Boo Brew poem, also on a light weight card and after trimming them to fit, stuck them in the middle of the spooky paper 


The stirring sticks came from B M Bargains costing £1 for 5 really cute lollies.


I also added a sachet of hot chocolate (4 for £1 Home Bargains), two chocolate coins (Home Bargains  79p for a net), a chocolate spider (B M Bargains pack of 10 for £1) and a plastic  snake left over from Halloween several moons ago.

elitech vacumn sealer

I used my, wouldn’t be without, vacuum sealer (while also wearing plastic gloves) to make up the little cellophane bags of mini marshmallows.


Not an awful lot to them really, but I know Iris and Bertie will be so excited to delivered them personally when the time to be little spooks comes around.  Needless to say there’s also one put aside for each of them plus a few more for them to give out when they go trick or treating round some of the flats in my block, when we have our sleepover party.  Happy days!

1 comment:

  1. These are such fun little packs to give away. Your grands will definitely love handing them out.


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