Monday 18 October 2021

New Decopatch Coffee Table

I have been looking for a small coffee type table for a while now after deciding that I would like to change where I put my Halloween and Christmas tree this year, however I am mean and my budget was no more than £5 - £7 especially after I found my beautiful computer/console table for £3.  I was having no luck at all …….


….. when low and behold I spotted this, going free outside a house on the school run, well it was a no-brainer, with Iris and Bertie now well versed in Nanny’s strange ways!


To be honest there was not an awful lot to it.  I simply painted the table all over with the same emulsion paint that I had used on my desk and shelf unit, to give  a sort of symmetry going to the room.  I painted the legs three times, but didn’t bother with the sides and top again as they would be the parts that were going to be Decopatched.  I already had all the Decopatch papers from a while back.

The Decopatching didn’t take that long, perhaps an hour and a half at the most, and as always it felt enormously relaxing.

Then followed goodness knows how many coats on the top, sides and legs of Wilko Quick Drying Clear Gloss Varnish, which really does dry really quickly and then it was done.

It looks pretty good, if I might say so in its new spot and the colours, spookily enough, are more or less the same as my Christmas baubles ……….. happy days!


  1. Awesome job! I think it looks perfect in its new place.

  2. what a stunning free gift it is now !! I bet they would want it back if they saw it now, hehehe, Tilly

  3. So matches your chair.You really are a whizz At transformations.. hugs Mrs A.

  4. Ooh that looks fabulous and what a perfect match for your gorgeous gorgeous chair x


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