Wednesday 17 November 2021

Guest Crafter Paula W, With a Big, Fat Thank You ……

On the morning of Iris and Bertie’s Halloween Sleepover a wonderful parcel arrived from my crafty friend Paula  what can I say ……..?

Knitted Halloween Ghosts

It contained the cutest little knitted ghosts ever, which are staying exactly where I put them, all the year round, because they just make me smile so much whenever I gaze over to them, they have proper little characters ………… but that wasn’t all …….

Skeleton Skull Halloween Bag

……… there was also this beautiful, beautiful bag, it’s so me and I know for a fact that if Marc ever claps his eyes on it he would absolutely kill for it.  It really  is stunning!


OMG the detail!  Sewing really makes my gums itch, I loathe it so much, despite a CSE in needlecraft, I still don’t have the faintest clue, so I truly appreciate all the work that has gone into this unique bag.


The fabric ……….


……. and the machine embroidery is to die for.  I can’t tell you how much I love it!  It was used within hours of it arriving, as we went to the Halloween Craft Fayre up the road, lets just say it eclipsed anything on sale there that day.  It’s now my main bag for bits and pieces shopping, all others now caste to the wind.  What can I say Paula …….. but thank you so, so, so much, it’s a very special treasure, that will definitely be used and much admired wherever I go, thank you  xxxxxx

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