Tuesday 23 November 2021

Penguin Christmas Tree Decorations ……. To Be Continued

This idea is all a bit of an ongoing experiment after I found a Penguin Float game in an Evesham charity shop for 99p.

Penguin Float Bath Game

I admit I did open the sealed box to see what the penguins looked like and if they had any crafty “potential” – I thought they did and working out at 10p each, well worth the gamble.


The penguins are made of a light (hollow) plastic and measure 1.5 x 2.5 inches with a depth of 15/16ths of an inch.  The first thing to do was cover the print on the bottom over with a black Sharpie pen, which was a piece of cake!


Naturally, adding a pair of googly eyes was the next course of action and as the original colours were a bit dull, a couple of layers of orange Ranger Enamel Accents on the feet and beak and white on the tummy to give the penguins character.


I next thing I needed to do was see if a screw eye hook could be fastened securely into the top, again yes, a piece of cake!

They look pretty cute as they are, but you know me, I love to fiddle fart ….. I tried one of the mini top hats on him that was left over from the fluffy snowmen heads posted last week, it looked cute, but the black was lost, so I have ordered a new set of assorted coloured hats that will always come in useful, plus some large, coloured wooden fish beads to hang from the bottom, again, they will also get used over time.  As they are coming from China it’ll be a few weeks before I can finish the penguins completely ……. but for now, they’ll do.

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