Tuesday 9 November 2021

Snowman Head Christmas Tree Baubles

It’s weird the things that come to you in the middle of the night necessitating that you get up and find the bits and pieces you were thinking of to “see” if your idea would work, because if you don’t, it’ll take forever to get back to sleep thinking about them.

This is sort of returning to something I made back in 2015 would you believe. http://itsallfiddlefart.blogspot.com/2015/12/fluffy-snowman-baubles.html.


…….. using small polystyrene Christmas tree baubles that I must have bought in a sale a while ago, so long ago that I simply can’t remember how much they were or where from, however I have 20 of the things and because I am mean they wouldn’t have cost an awful lot.

Tiny Top hats for crafting

The tiny top hats came from Amazon last year, there were 50 in the box,  I can’t remember how much they cost, however they wouldn’t have been that much either.  I started by making a hole in the top of each hat with a nail and then screwed in a tiny, gold eye hook for the hanging thread.

Tiny Hobbycraft Holly Punch

I decorated each hat with a tiny punched sprig of holly (Hobbycraft £1) and three equally tiny, red pearl flat back gems.

Tiny snowman top hats with holly

I then removed all the caps from the original snowball decorations, putting them somewhere safe as I am sure I will find something to use them on one day ……..

Snowball Christmas Tree baubles

……. and replaced them with the top hats, using  Docrafts Stick it! glue to fix them.  I’ve had this glue for years, but didn’t get on with it as it seemed so thick, but finally for this job it proved perfect as I needed a really good bond.

Docrafts Stick It!

I’d bought some glue a while back which I thought was suitable for polystyrene ………..


……. it wasn’t!

Fimo snowman's noses

While the hats were setting I busied myself by making a whole pile of snowman noses from orange Fimo.


I experimented and found the best way to fix the noses was to make a hole in the middle of the face with a rounded end of a small paint brush, fill the hole with Stick It! and push the nose in. It took a while to set, so I gave it a good 24 hours before adding the rest of the face.

I then experimented with my collection of black flat back gems to find the right combination of size to make the cutest face.  On the demo one (above, with no nose, the eyes and mouth were just a bit too big.  In the end I think the 3mm and 4mm work pretty well together.

I would have liked to have given them all a hint of pink on the cheeks, but I was a little too heavy handed on the demo one and my blusher was too orange. it didn’t look right.  

The last thing to be done was attach the gold thread to hang the snowmen by on the tree.

I’m really chuffed with these ……. especially as I’ve emptied another box in my craft drawers, but I dare say, if I found any similar baubles again in a sale I would be tempted to buy them again.


  1. Another successful project, funny how idea's come in the night and not when sitting at the craft desk !! Tilly

  2. I think the best ideas come at odd times. I always have to write them down immediately, or I'll forget them. Your baubles are perfect. I can imagine how festive they would look, hanging from a Christms tree branch.


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