Tuesday 21 December 2021

Crafty Mooching……. And My New Love Of One Below Shops

With all my Christmas crafts all done and dusted for 2021, it doesn’t hurt to have a little mooch, especially thinking that we have a whole new year of crafting ahead of us in but less than two weeks time and taking into consideration that I almost “do” Christmas all year long now.


Firstly, from the charity shops of Evesham this box of 40 “wooden” pieces.  I think the use of the word “wooden” has been used very loosely, because on closer inspection they are more wood effect than wood.


I am not sure what the proper name for the material is, “reconstituted” something? But I thought £1.99 for 40 6cm squares was still a bargain, which should come in handy for tags and tree decorations, if they paint well. I am already thinking snowmen faces?

Craft Clothes PinsIMG_0259

I don’t have a clue what to do with these pegs, so no doubt I will be spending some time on Pinterest looking for ideas, but for a bag of what I would estimate contains 100 pegs for £1.49 it was worth a punt ……….


…… especially because of their size.  I could break them up and make snowflakes with the wooden parts and then perhaps use the metal clips as a finding for a single bead pendants or charms?


Moving on to “real” shops, I’ve been so disappointed with Poundland and The Works this year, same old, same old, poor quality and fewer embellishments per pack with any of their  new stock (The Works), so on a recent visit to Wolverhampton and Liverpool I was so excited to see what One Below had to offer, needless to say I spent copiously!!!!!

The stickers above were £1 a pack, and may seem a little old hat, but I am hoping that I can make some microscope slide tree decorations with them, having the potential of a double sided element to them when sandwiched between two pieces of glass. That’s the idea running through my mind at the moment, I just need time to play.


I’ve already started using the Christmas Light Trim (£1) as you saw on the reindeer yesterday.  When I go to Wolverhampton again next week, I am tempted to get a couple more packs, however, as I have learned to my cost in the past, with shops like this, you have to buy when you see, because as often is the case, you will never see them again.


As you know I am a sucker for a sticker and One Below had a really good choice, however, since I don’t make that many Christmas cards these days, I was very reserved and just bought several each of the designs above as I could see them, especially the trees, on tags, with a little added glitter and a layer of Ranger Glossy Accents.


I only bought one pack of the snowmen above (again from quite a large choice) but if I nip in again, I might get a few more, even if they’re just for Iris and Bertie to craft with.


I also love a treat bag, something to put a small present in etc. as I hate wrapping presents with vengeance.  These snowmen bags are so cute (8 for £1) ……..


…… as were these reindeer ones (6 for £1) that I have already put into service.

I have left a few things behind at Lu’s, that wouldn’t fit in my bulging suitcase, like bottle brush Christmas trees (6 for £1), so I’ll have another show and tell when I eventually get them home.  But One Below has definitely been my budget shop of choice this Christmas for crafty bits and pieces, even if it was all a little last minute.


And finally, to have you gasping ……. what on earth is this all about, in my favourite charity shop in Evesham?  I can’t believe I didn’t even look for the price tag to see how much it was ……… I think I was too busy looking for the jug, which appears to be missing.


…….. even by my weird and wonderful standards, it’s absolutely ghastly …… but I wonder if it will still be there when I next pop in?

Right, that's me done crafting for 2021.  I'm taking a week or so off to chill, relax and perhaps think about putting all the ideas together that I didn't seem to have time for in the months leading to Christmas .......... I'll be back on Monday 3rd December ................ to start Christmas all over again!!!!!!!

Wishing you all a 

very happy, peaceful and safe 

Christmas 2021

1 comment:

  1. As usual, interesting finds and good values. I am looking forward to seeing what you create in 2022!


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