Tuesday 25 January 2022

Easter Chick Tag Decorations/Gift Bag Charms

Swiftly following on from yesterday, just to prove I’m not that obsessed with snowmen I’ve made this Easter Chick tag decorations/gift bag charms, based on an idea I saw on Pinterest …….. to be honest there’s not an awful lot to them.

Easter Chick Decorative Tags. Gift Bag Charms

I started by painting the 2ins square wooden game pieces with primer first to cover over the pictures, followed by two coats all over of bumble bee yellow emulsion and then another two coats of Wilko clear gloss varnish.  Sorry the photos don’t really show the true colour pf the paint finish.


I added a tiny, gold, screw eye hook to the top of the square to hang the decoration/tag/bag charm by.

Easter Chick Tags Decorations

Then, I created the chick’s character, again no great shakes, using two black flat back domes for the eyes and orange card scraps for the beak and feet ……..

Easter Chick Decorative Tags Decorations

……… and a bright Eastery green bow for good measure.  At this stage the beak and feet looked a little flat and lack lustre, so enter two coats of “Cheese Puff” Ranger Enamel Accents to make them really pop.

Wooden Easter Chick Easter Decorations. Easter Tree

A very narrow dark green ribbon finishes the look.

Easter Chrick Gift Bag Charm. Decorative Tag

I am thrilled with how these turned out, something a bit different for little Easter tranklements for Iris and Bertie to give to the staff at school at the end of term …….. just another 17 to go, but means almost half of the wooden squares I got for £3 in a local charity shop plus all the green bows I have had forever have now been used up! 


  1. These are so cute. They'll be fun to hang on a bag or even used as an Easter zipper pull. Love them!

  2. These little chicks are so cute, well done on spotting the blocks potential lol Tilly


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