Tuesday 1 February 2022

Bon Voyage - Travelling Themed Mini Canvas and Easel

No great shakes for this idea, made for my niece Daisy who is off to Australia for the next year, after two years of impatient champing at the bit, due to Covid lockdowns both here and in Australia.

£1 Mini Canvas and Easel Travelling The Works

All I used was a £1 mini canvas (3.5ins x 2.75ins) and easel set from The Works and a couple of packets of stickers, including 3D ones ………

The Works £1 Mini Canvas and easel

…… to be honest, all I did was rearrange the stickers to fit the canvas.

Travel Mini Canvas and Easel Card

I did add a little Ranger Glossy Accents to add extra dimension and texture to various bits and pieces on the stickers i.e the suitcase handles and clasps, camera lens, globe, airplane and signs on the post.

Bon Voyage Mini Canvas and Easel The Works £1 Mini Canvas and Easel.

Glossy Accents has to be one of my Top 10 crafty can’t do withouts, it can lift a project with just a few dabs here and there, and make something quite basic and simple look just that bit more special and professional.


  1. I am certain Daisy will love this! It will be a fabulous reminder of the people who love and miss her back in the U.K.

  2. The mini canvas looks great.



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