Wednesday 16 March 2022

Slightly Revised Cookie Cutter Christmas Tree Decorations

Following on from last week I've managed to use all twenty cookie cutters from the two packs I found in The Works Sale (£1.50 per pack).

As I'd already put the idea together using them, I knew it would be hard for me to revise the idea later on in the year, as I rarely go back to something once it's done and I always say it, but I really need to use stuff as and when I buy it, otherwise it simply takes up space and often lingers in the drawer when  I go off the boil!

The only thing I added was two layers of translucent, ultra fine glitter around the front of the cutters  ........

........ which gave a lovely extra icy, Christmasy twinkle and feel.

I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

I also neatened up the backs of the decorations, going round the edges with a red felt pen to cover up any ragged, white bits left after I trimmed the backing paper off .........

........ following this up with a little faux stitching using a black biro, used instead of a fine liner pen to avoid smudging.  I am not sure about covering the "flower" up on the bail, perhaps a tiny, white snowflake over it?

Although all the cookie cutters are now used, I still have a lot of small wooden figures left over after I found a big box of new ones in a charity shop recently, which were just too good to pass up on ....... I am now thinking mini altered Christmas tins? 


  1. You are so industrious! Your cookie cutter decorations look fabulous. I really like the glitter edging. I think a tiny snowflake over the flower on the bale would be perfect.

  2. These are so lovely, can’t wait to see what else you make.



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