Monday 14 March 2022

Egg Hunt/Chicken - Easter Hanging Decorations Revised

Following on from last week’s “one off” these are my revised Easter Egg Hunt hanging decorations.

I stuck a short, narrow craft stick along the bottom of a small, wooden fence embellishment and then added little green Dovecraft Enamel Effects (The Range £1) along the edge to hopefully look like grass.


I managed to find some MDF laser cut Easter baskets on eBay that were in, more or lets the right proportion to the other embellishments.


To get a clear colour on the eggs, I first went over them with a fine, white Posca pen and then added the acrylic paint colours and a few extra doodliy bits when it was all properly dry.  I also varnished the baskets, which helped secure the paint as well as helping the colours to pop.

IMG_0790CRaft Stick signpost

I made the sign posts using a small, coloured craft stick, which I trimmed with scissors to roughly the right shape.  I added the writing with a black biro to prevent any ink bleeding into the wood.  The posts themselves are coffee stirrers (from Costa) that I trimmed to the right height.

Metal Chicken EmbellishmentsMetal Chicken Embellishments,

I added two beads layered together and then stuck them into the hollow of the painted, tin chickens to add extra dimension to the decoration.


Then came all the putting together, first the chicken was glued to a fence post followed by the signpost, added in the same way.


It looked a bit bare round the bottom of the fence, so I added some grass made from scraps of green paper with a few extra doodles to add contrast colour.  I also decided at this point to colour the signpost post brown as it didn’t really show up very well against the fence.


Next followed a scattering of fimo nail art flowers to add a little Easter colour, the baskets and two ladybirds, using a little less than my usual attention to proportion, but I think I’ve got away with it.


On the back I stuck a small jewellery bail to hang the decoration by.

I think they turned out pretty well …….. and there maybe another version brewing …….

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