Tuesday 1 March 2022

Mini Children’s School Christmas Cards – Using Up Old Bits and Pieces

I had the idea of making Iris and Bertie a box of Christmas cards each for school in a concerted effort to use up some of my humongous pile of stash ……

Small Children's School Christmas Cards

However, my first stumbling block was sourcing small enough envelopes, (80mm to 100mm square, max) to put them in,  but oh my goodness, the price! When packs of “school cards” are sold at just £1 for 30 mini cards, it would be cheaper to buy several packs just for the envelopes and then use the front of the cards to make tags (????) Madness ……. however an idea I may have to consider, especially if I want white or coloured mini envelopes, because thirteen quid, I aint paying!

Decorated Manilla Wage Envelopes

In the end opted to buy 100 manila pay packet type envelopes, 100 for £3.70 (eBay) and then dress them up using pages from a 10cm x 10cm Christmas paper pad and scraps of Kraft paper cut for the name tags.  All very pretty, but let’s be honest, they’ll be the first thing to end up in the bin!

All Things Bright 10cm x 10cm Paper pad

I cut 9cm square blanks using Kraft card, covering the whole of the front, again, with pages from a mini Christmas paper pad.

Home Bargains Noel Self Adhesive Gift Tags

The 3D gift tags  came from Home Bargains before Christmas, with me thinking that at about 89p for 24 they would make pretty cheap toppers.


Cutting the front of the tags off, I mat and layered them on red and silver card and then stuck them on the front of the cards  ……


…… adding a little DecoArt Snowriter to the hats for extra dimension and texture.


I may add other embellishments and Ranger Glossy Accents when I get in the swing of things, when I can commit to a day of simply making nothing other than these delights!.

Yes, it would be an awful lot simpler and cheaper to resort to the 30 for £1 packs, but there again, what are Nannies for and what else could I possibly do with my time!


  1. These are cute, and they are made more precious because you made them. Your grandchildren will not forget your crafty thoughtfulness!

  2. Your the best nan in the world and only your grandkids will have little home made cards to give out the world and its wife can have the pre made ones lol but they are not you big love Marc


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