Tuesday 22 March 2022

Mini Easter Egg Hunt Easel Decorations.

I guess it was pretty obvious, as I am on a bit of an Easter roll, that I would make a few Easter easels this year  ………

…….. but don’t worry ……….

IMG_0908Metal Chicken Embellishments,

……. I’m not going to bore you with all the grisly details all over again ………


……. as I think the two posts and these photos will be enough to get an idea of how they are put together.


Before I got started I gave the blackboard part of the easels (ordered on eBay from China) two coats of clear varnish to prevent the yellow acrylic paint pen from bleeding into the wood.


I also swopped the ladybirds, used previously, for little wooden bees instead.

Along with the basket, varnished to helped the colours pop a little more, I also added a touch of faux stitching round the blackboard using a black biro to stop any bleeding, to bring it all together.

I’m really pleased with how these turned out and no doubt, among a few other bits and pieces, Iris and Bertie will get one each for their Easter bedrooms.


  1. So cute! Love all the little extras you add. It gives them so much character.

  2. I love the Easter decorations and as I have umpteen bags of those mini easels, I might just try something similar.


  3. You know that I think you are the queen of fiddle fart in all the best ways love the detail and I am lucky I. Always get to see things in real life and I can say hand on heart your photos as good as they are don't do justice to the real hands on iteam no detail is left unfinnised perfect in every way big love Marc


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