Wednesday 30 March 2022

More Adventures With Resin

Following on from last weeks first foray into resin,  I immediately had another go while it was all fresh in my blood …….


Again, I learned a lot ……….


……… i.e far too many bubbles this time around, but that was all my fault as I kept on fiddling with the flowers, stars and skeleton embellishments which were so light they kept floating up in the runny resin and I kept poking them down. This is why I think it’s important to allow the bottom layer of resin to set a little before adding the bits.


However, all was not lost as I’ve decided to have a go at making a little pile of the Christmas Tree and Christmas lights ones to use as parcel charms on this years presents, so three silicon trays have been duly bought from Amazon.


Unfortunately, I will have to wait a while to use them as they are coming from China, but I suppose that gives me time to practice on a smaller scale to perfect my art!


I think I could get away with a few bubbles in the tree ones as it could look like snow. I put a small scrap of white, glitter card behind the tree to create the simple scene, but as I said, I need to let the resin set a little before adding the stars to help achieve a more symmetrical arrangement, or is that being too anal?


I am hoping that the new moulds will be a tiny bit deeper than the original one used above, as a couple of the bulbs didn’t lie as flat as I wanted,  resulting in a couple of bump on the back, not that anyone else would probably notice, except me. I don’t think it really matters where the stars end up in this charm, but perhaps a few more or variety of sizes might look better?

Anyway, I think I may be hooked and no doubt on the constant look out for things to set in resin for the next little while.  Happy days!


  1. These are great, and they look like a lot of fun to make. I think they'll dress up Christmas parcels quite nicely.

  2. Your going to love this medium wounce you have played with It and have learnt patience lol your add your twist and style. And it is going to be fab big love Marc


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