Monday 25 April 2022

Jigsaw Shaped Black and White Snowman Tags

From next week and for the next little while, I will only be posting on a Monday, with the occasional "object of desire/mooching/charity shop finds/heads up" on a Tuesday.  I am not ready to hang up my blogging boots up just yet, but sometimes the pressure to post takes the pleasure out of just fiddle farting, for fiddle fartings sake! 

My craft room drawers and cupboards are also really getting on my nerves, I seem to spend most of my time looking for things rather than crafting, so this week will see a concerted effort to get it sorted and if needs be a bit of a cull, although, to be honest, I expect I'll also buy a few more boxes to simply spread things around a bit more!

May is going to be a very busy month, with several weekends away, followed by, fingers crossed,  finally getting to Greece, two and a half years after we first booked, which is why, rather than crafting, I need to have a proper spring clean. I am going to stop eBaying for a while too, so I have unsold bits and pieces that will probably be donated back to the charity shop, as I am feeling rather bogged down.

However, once I am sorted and not feeling quite so cluttered,  I have soooooooooo many ideas I want to try, thinking Halloween and Christmas, which will, in turn, will continue to use up as much stash as possible. I have got so much made already, having made in bulk rather than just a one off item, which has also taken up a lot of my time, but if I keep up this momentum, I am seriously going to look into having a table at the local community centre in November to help sell anything I have that surplus to my own festive needs.

P.S. - I went and did it contacted Craft Fayre people - I am now on their waiting list for Sept  to Dec if there are any vacancies, so I will use the month of July to get things priced and bagged up and put safely away so I am ready to go if I get a call!

But I digress .............

This little project just about uses up the last of the snowman/snowflake sticker packs I stocked up on from One Below before Christmas.

Jigsaw shaped Black and White Snowman Tags

I’ve had the jigsaw pieces for a while now and they also really needed to be used up.

The Works - 2 Wooden Jigsaws - The Craft Place2 Wooden Jigsaws - The Works Crafts

So, I painted them black, using a Wilko tester pot (£1.50), giving them two coats on both sides, followed by the same in Wilko clear, quick drying, satin varnish to prevent any pen used bleeding into the wood.


When everything was dry, I painted a snowy layer of white paint along the bottom of the jigsaw pieces (also using a Wilko tester pot)


I then added the snowmen and snowflakes, plus the handwritten “Let It Snow”, faux stitching and doodles using a fine tipped, white Posca pen.


I also decorated the back to reflect the front. 

Jigsaw Shaped Black and White Snowman Tags.

I decided to drill a hole in the corner of each tag to put a length of red and white butchers twine through and to add a pop of colour ……..

Black and White snowman tags.

…….. then I remembered the small, red, heart shaped, flat back gems I had somewhere, which would be a subtle touch to put between the two snowmen. 

Wooden Jigsaw shaped black and white snowman tags

I was so chuffed with the result!


  1. The snowmen jigsaw pieces look fantastic. Sometimes we all need a break from our usual routine (mine has been over 2 years & still not crafting properly) so enjoy the time away, doing different things.


  2. these look stunning, what inspriation you had lol, what you don't need will fly off your table before Christmas, Tilly

  3. These are awesome! So different than the usual tag or tree decoration. Love your creative ideas.

  4. Oh I love them! Well done, they are beautiful. Enjoy your blogging break, it’s good to stand back now and again. Good luck on the decluttering, as we now live in a small flat too it’s a never ending job isn’t it!
    Hope you all have a magical time in Greece too xx


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