Monday 2 May 2022

My Painted Decoupaged Charity Shop Chair …….

Sometimes, I loose my momentum or get distracted from a project, as in this case my free charity shop chair obtained late last year in Burnham On Sea.

Decoupage ChairIMG_1518

I started it in December, just before Christmas ………….


……. and then I did diddly-squat, however by the beginning of April it was really getting on my nerves.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t really have a plan as to what to do with it.  I already have a turquoise and decopatched desk and coffee table, doing it again would be overkill and a lack of imagination ……. so I thought I would just wing it and see what happened.

painted charity shop chairIMG_1395

I started by painting it in sections with emulsion tester pots from Wilko (£1.50), totally wrong paint with no preparation to the wood, I know, I know!!!!!!


When several sections were completed (2 or 3 coats) I then varnished them with Wilko quick drying, clear satin varnish so that when I painted an adjoining section any emulsion that  I accidently went over could be easily wiped off.  I suppose there’s a method in my madness (above).


When the chair was painted I hadn’t a clue what to do next.  I would have then liked to have painted more detailed patterns like I’ve seen on Pinterest, but I knew even my basic painting skills are pretty pants, so I tentatively decided to start using paper strips to add the detail ……. and then things got completely out of hand …….


…… getting out various paper punches and going absolutely wild.


It was completely over the top, but the chair was just for me to sit on in my craft room and I liked it.


When I was down to just covering the last two spindles at the front my mind turned to the seat cover and then decided to throw caution to the wind by ordering half a meter (far too much) of chef’s check, heavy duty, cotton fabric from eBay (about £5.25).  I have never covered a seat before, but I think I did OK using a heavy duty staple gun.


The last spindles seemed to take the longest time ever and seemed the most fiddley, but finally it was ready to start varnishing, this time with Wilko quick drying, clear glass, I’m still varnishing now, but eager to finally get it posted.  I will just keep going until the finish is as smooth as I think I can get it.  It won’t be perfect but as it’s just for me, who is going to look at it that closely?

Decoupage and Painted ChairDecoupage Chair.

Photographing it has been a nightmare but I think you can just about get an idea of how it looks.

Now, what to do next ………


  1. It looks wonderful, and I think it will be a terrific conversation piece for visitors. I'm sure it looks amazing in your home.

  2. Ooh that’s fabulous Helen! You are so talented, I love your new chair. I don’t know why but it makes me think of Alice In Wonderland, I can just imagine the Queen of Hearts sitting on it and shouting “off with her head!” ….. or maybe it’s just me that’s off my head??!!


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