Wednesday 6 July 2022

Aiye Chrome Marker Pens

I’ve been having a lot of Chrome Marker Pens popping up on my Facebook feed recently and although I was curious as the results looked really effective I managed to resist, I delved a little further and they seemed quite expensive, so I resisted some more …… but then I decided to look on Amazon, the prices varied, but when I spotted a set of six pens, three silver and three gold (1mm, 1-2mm and 3-3mm tips) for £12.99 plus 99p P & P I finally gave in, praying that they wouldn’t turn out to be pants!

Aiye Chrome Markers

It took a few weeks for them to arrive, I’d almost forgotten about them, so I am guessing that they came from China and although I haven’t used them much, I have to say I am quite impressed by the results.


I tried the 1mm silver pen on the buckles of four Santa tree decorations I’d made, where I had originally used an ordinary, metallic silver felt pen to colour them in ……..


…… and there’s no mistaking that they are definitely a very shiny silver now, so I am happy that they do what they say on the tin “marker creates a high-gloss, real mirror effect on almost all smooth surfaces” and “uses reflective ink which can bring a shiny silver touch to your projects”

According to the bumf they can be used on metal, cardboard, paper, canvas, clay, foam, clay, artificial fibre, plastic, stone, gypsum, concrete etc. so lots of playing to be done.

Hopefully I’ll be finding lots of other projects to use them on, especially thinking of Halloween and Christmas to help make things pop a little more …….. so watch this space.


  1. Thanks for this review. I am always on the lookout for pens and markers that actually work.

  2. I can’t keep mine from smudging when I touch the chrome surface.


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