Tuesday 16 August 2022

Re-vamped Felt Reindeer Decorations/Tags

Today I bring you ……….  re-vamped Primark reindeer tags!


When I saw these reindeer tag decorations reduced in Primark (Wolverhampton) from £3.50 to £1 for a pack of 4 it was a no brainer.

Primark Christmas Felt Reindeer Tags

They were pretty basic as they were, not brilliant, but nothing, I thought, a pair of googly eyes, a red nose and a bow couldn’t fix.


Before I chopped off their noses, there were a few repairs to the antlers to be done where some of the gold layer had come away from the felt antler underneath. Then 20mm eyes replaced the printed eyes ……..


……. and 25mm red pom poms replaced the smaller black noses, glued with a glue gun for a really secure fix.

The Works Make and Create Ribbon BOwsFelt Reindeer Tags.

I also removed the two bells, but then fastened one of them to a red bow from The Works (pack of 12 for £1), also stuck down using a glue gun.


I reckon the reindeer cost me another 35p each to revamp, so still a bargain at 60p. A substantial gift tag that you could then hang on the Christmas tree and hopefully keep for many years to come with all their associated memories.


  1. The reindeer look fantastic.


  2. a bargain pack, but so much better after you have added your touch, I think you should offer to be chief designer for them lol, Tilly

  3. Great revamp job. You added the perfect amount of fiddle fart to bring them alive.

  4. Perfect also make a great badge yep you did it again big love Marc

  5. Perfect and they would make a great badge to yep you did it again big love marc


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