Thursday, 18 August 2022

What’s Under My Desk Thursday ……… More Walnut Shells!

Following on from last week ……… I so far I have managed to sort out at least 70 odd workable shells from the 1 kilogram bag I got from eBay, which were supposed to be smoked on a BBQ, (£1.99 plus £2.99 P & P) so if I just sell four of my walnut, snow scene Christmas tree ornaments for about £1.50 each, the rest will owe me nothing!


The shells under my desk have all washed, scraped out and drilled, (my least favourite part of the project)  with a tiny, gold, eye hook glued in position, ready to add the snowman scene, which is a pretty bish, bash, bosh sort of operation.

When these are all done, I will go through the bag again to see if there are any more shells I can repeat the process with. There are also quite a few “not quite half” shells that I am wondering if I could make into hanging cradles with a little acorn baby in them, but this might take a little extra thinking time and experimentation to work out a way to hang them…….. so watch this space.


  1. I still have the walnut shell nativity scene that you sent me one year. It hangs proudly on my Christmas tree every holiday season. I LOVE it! Thank you again for that thoughtful gift.

  2. You really are amazing, love your thought process.
    Faith x


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