Tuesday 20 September 2022

Autumn Door Wreath

Using the goodies that I purchased a few weeks ago from The Range – (http://itsallfiddlefart.blogspot.com/2022_08_25_archive.html), plus fir and beech cones collected and saved from last year, I have finally put my autumn door wreath together. 


To be honest, for someone who just doesn’t do flowers, it’s turned out pretty well and I think it manages to say autumn!


The wreath base came from The Range too, a little thicker, fuller and more expensive than wreaths I’ve use before, but hey ho.  Hopefully, Home Bargains will have their cheaper (£1) bare rattan wreaths in again this Christmas, so I can to stock up on them.


I’m a bit of a bodger where this sort of project is concerned, I simply stuck the cut down flower picks first using a hot glue gun, giving me something vaguely symmetrical to work out from …….


…… and then I just threw everything at it, filling the gaps with whatever I thought fitted and worked well together.


I wish, perhaps, I’d bought another pack of the mixed pick (below),  the acorns included were way too big and totally out of proportion, but I loved the gourds/pumpkins and a couple more wouldn’t have gone a miss.


I have to say, I do love it as I can almost smell autumn when I see it.


It will stay up now, hopefully, until 1st December, with a couple of days off over Halloween weekend when I am not sure whether I will make a new wreath or just put up a shop bought thingy, we will see.


As I still have last years autumn wreath I’ll be sending it to Marc who has been doing some heavy hinting in his comments of late.  It would easily do for autumn or Christmas as the paper flowers are originally winter roses. If he uses it for Christmas I would just add a bit of extra white/translucent glitter round the edges of the roses, put lime green glitter on the wooden foliage and white paint for snow on the cones ………. but that’s entirely up to him!


  1. I love your new autumn wreath-it’s lovely.


  2. this is stunning with all the elements for Autumn mixed with your beautiful flowers, be very proud of it, Tilly

  3. You've made an absolutely lovely wreath! I predict everyone who comes to, or walks by, your door will ooh and aah.

  4. Ooh your new wreath is absolutely lovely I’m sure your neighbours will all be dropping hints!

  5. The new wreath is fabulous i am obsessed with it all ready .and I would not change a thing when I get it next year opps I typed that out loud lol and I hardly mentioned the other wreath and halloween amazing makes at all. The words I need I want hardly touched my lips so imagine my surprise when a massive box arrived on my doorstep I was over come with your generous donation to your poor unwell best friend .lol thankyou so much for all the love I to did think a bit of glitter and white paint would take it from autumn. To winter looking so I will think about it more as l love it as it is thankyou again my lovely and of coarse Rick loved it and hung it up streight away big big thankful love Marc lol


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