Wednesday 28 September 2022

Guest Crafters – Iris and Bertie Birthday Card Makers

It’s now a time honoured tradition that Iris and Bertie come over to make their beloved Auntie Lu Lu’s birthday cards.


It’s a time for Nanny to take a deep breath……..


……. and gird her loins, knowing that  every single sticker in her possession, even the Halloween ones and especially the numbers, will be scrutinized for their suitability ……..


…….. and when less is more  ……..


…….  proportion and balance ………


……. simply fly out of the window ……….


……. in favour of exuberant embellishment and a morning of unbridled love!

1 comment:

  1. Your grandchildren are just the cutest! I love how they enjoy creating. Thank you for sharing their works of art!!


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