Monday 12 September 2022

MDF Shapes - Halloween Pumpkin Badges

Some Halloween pin badges/brooches for you today …… something Iris and Bertie, as well as Nanny will be sporting from the start of October, right up until the end of the month.

Halloween Pumpkin Pin Badges with Skeletons and Bats

There’s not a lot to them, just lots of waiting for paint, enamels and accents to dry.

Wilko Emulsion TesterMDF Pumpkins

I started off by painting the MDF pumpkin shapes with orange Wilko emulsion test pot paint.


I then gave them a generous coating of Ranger Glossy Accents, before adding the lines and outline using a fine tipped, black, permanent pen. I used a green Dovecraft, pearl effect,  dimensional paint on the stalk.


My table was then full of bats, skeletons and ghosts while I tried to worked out the best combination. The skeletons were coloured with white Ranger Enamel Accents and the bats with a permanent black pen and then given the Glossy Accents treatment, along with tiny, green gem, nail art eyes.

Halloween skeleton and bat pin badges

I then built up the front of the badges, using my ancient Dymo label maker for the “boos”, trimming them down a little, before gluing them down, along with small green and gold stars and a few three dot clusters here and there.

MDF shapes Halloween Pin Badge

I doodled a bit on the back, as well as colouring the back of the bats to give the badges a proper “finished off” look, before adding the 30mm brooch pins (eBay)


All the MDF shapes were sourced from eBay through trial and error size wise.

Wooden Pumpkin Pin Badge with bats and skeleton

Et voila, done and dusted. I am really trying to use up all my Halloween MDF shapes this year, but I swear they are breeding in the dark!!!!


  1. Love the badges, they’re like mini works of art.


  2. I have mine and photo does not do them justice mine is fantastic and I will wear with pride big love Marc

  3. These turned out great. I can just see Iris and Bertie marching proud as punch and sporting the badges that their artistic granny made!


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