Tuesday 6 September 2022

Small Anniversary Easel Favour

Can you believe it’s been 9 years since Tom and Laura got married?  In some ways it seems like its been forever and in others just yesterday, so while they were celebrating, Lu and I were away with Iris and Bertie in Dawlish ………

Moomins Anniversay Favour. Home Bargains Wedding Placecard Holder

………. and this is the little fairing I left behind for them.

Home Bargains Wedding Range Place Card Holders

There’s no real great shakes to the idea, I just took a small, white, easel place holder from Home Bargains (pack of 4 for 99p Wedding Section) and stuck a Moomins pin badge, bought especially for the purpose from an independent shop in Leamington Spa (£1) on it using a foam pad, so that it could be removed and worn at a later date, if wanted.

Moomins Anniversary Favor

Roughly working out where the badge was going to go and using a fine tipped, white acrylic pen, I added the writing to the chalk board, before gluing on the small, silver nail art hearts (eBay) and a few clusters of three dots here and there ……..

Moomins pin badge

……. and Bob’s your uncle,  done and dusted!


  1. wow, happy anniversary Tom and Laura, oh, the days of you all sitting making wedding 'stuff' together does not seem that long ago. lol, Tilly

  2. Its perfect I can't believe it's 9 years I love the badge and you got to love the 3 dots to pull that negative space in yep you did it again big love Marc

  3. A wonderful memento of their special day! Happy Anniversary to them, with wishes for many more happy years together.


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