Monday 10 October 2022

Christmas Angel Wooden Peg Dolls

Christmas stash busting ……


Remember the wooden peg dolls (£1 for a pack of 8)  I found in The Range  a little while ago? Well, as I’ve been saying over the past few weeks, they’re no good left in a box, especially as I bought rather a lot, however, as they’ve been out of stock ever since, I guess it was a good call.

The Range Art Studio Wooden People Family

I delayed using them as I knew that the very first problem I would come up against would be their faces. If I chose to draw them with a permanent pen I would have to varnish all the heads first to stop the ink bleeding into the wood (I tried it and it did), but then, if my drawing turned out dodgy and the faces looked wonky, all could be lost before I’d even started, as I am really fussy about faces, ask Marc!

So below was my very first experimental version ……..


……. where the yellow and orange Sharpie pen hair is a bit too harsh, the black flat gems eyes a little too big and I’m not too sure about the mouth, so I had a bit of a rethink ……….


Using the 55mm dolls from the packs, I started with the part I was dreading, the hair, without varnishing the heads. I decided to keep it simple, giving each angel a bob with just a yellow Sharpie pen and a shaky hand, and where any bleeding into the wood along the fringe could be put down as a dodgy haircut!


The bodies were then given one coat of white Wilko emulsion, leaving overnight to dry properly, while I fiddle farted with the hearts and wings.

Fine Point Red Sharpie Pen

I coloured the tiny MDF hearts using a red Sharpie pen, followed by a coat of Ranger Glossy Accents for a little shine.

Gold Chrome Marker penIMG_0910

I coloured the wooden butterfly wings (70p for a large pack from The Range Sale) on both sides using a gold chrome marker pen and when glues a tiny bail to  the back and hidden using E-7000, so that the angel could be hung on a Christmas tree.  I added the gold cord when the bail was dry, because it would be less fiddly than trying to thread it when the wings were already stuck on to the angel.

I thought the original 3mm eyes were just a tad too big, so used 2mm flat back gems instead. After looking on Pinterest  I didn’t add anything else to the face after seeing that most people also left it at that (perhaps for the same reasons as me?)  I think it works????


All that was left to do then was attach the wings and then a red heart on the front, but the heart looked a little lost in the middle of the angel’s body, so I used Das Smart to make some tiny balls for hands which I think bought everything together.


The final touch were the angels halo/crowns made from a small piece of gold tinsel pipe cleaner, shaped into a circle and then glued in place with E-7000 for a secure fix  


I am really chuffed with how these have turned out after all my ummming and ahhhing, they will do, done and dusted …….


……… now what to do with the larger and smaller dolls I have still have left over from the packs?

1 comment:

  1. Your little angels are beautiful! I think the little balls for hands is what really brought them to life!


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