Monday 9 January 2023

Fabric and Lace Rag Wreath

So, it’s the start of new year, with my vintage style, wooden toy, door wreath safely put away for the next eleven months, but what to put on my front door now? Putting my autumn one back just doesn’t seem right, I needed something a little more cold and wintery …….


Well, some sort of madness came over me and I decided to make a rag wreath, something I seem to remember doing once before, years and years ago, but I don’t think it was any good, it might even have been heart shaped, but recollections may vary!


Taking the rolls of material strips Marc gave me when I saw him back at the end of November and a 12in copper wreath ring I’ve had for goodness knows how long now, I set to work …….


…….. cutting the fabric in very rough 5ins x 1.5ins pieces and then simply knotting them all around the ring.


When all the fabric was used up, the wreath looked OK, but still needed something else, so I raided my ribbon box and sorted out all the random lengths of lace I’ve collected.  I added the lilac lace first, which instantly lifted the fabric and the feel of the wreath.


Then I  added all the narrow silk, organza and glittery ribbons that I also thought would go well.  The finished wreath looks so pretty and I have to admit the pictures really don’t do it any justice.


It’s almost fairy like and very feminine.  There was only one blot on the landscape that stuck out like a sore thumb and that was a small piece of bright pink fabric at the top which was quickly snipped as soon as I noticed it.


I’d say the wreath took a good four hours to complete, without a single break and I am thrilled with the results, this little beauty will hopefully take my front door through until Easter now.


I am eager to make another one with a Christmas theme, in pastels, sparkles and glitter.  I now know to fill the frame with fabric scraps first, the patterns don’t really matter, so I’ll be looking  in the local charity shops for really cheap pale blue, lilac, pink and white cotton blouses etc. to cut up ………. 


…… and then pop in to the Evesham Fabric Shop where they sell bags of lace remnants at really reasonable prices for the fiddle fart part. I might even add a few gems or sequins here and there, we shall see. I just need to remember where my other wreath rings are squirrelled away. Happy days!


  1. The wreath looks lovely, so pretty.


  2. Ooh it’s so pretty, it will hopefully welcome in Spring with its delicate beauty and tell the better weather to get a move on!
    That fabric shop looks very enticing too! I used to sew most of my own clothes but bijou apartment living has severely curtailed my fabric buying potential lol!

  3. OH! I LOVE this Christine, a beautiful idea that looks wonderful and welcoming on your door too. Now you will have to make a rag rug for the front step to match? hahahaha.
    Faith x

  4. It's beautiful! You've given me some ideas, as I need some new wreaths for my front door, too, and I don't want to shell out the silly money they ask for ready-made ones.


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