Wednesday 11 January 2023

What’s A Girl To Do?

OMG ……… what’s a girl to do ……….?


Even the ladies in the shop were shocked to see how low these advent calendars had been reduced to, four flipping pounds, that’s less than a posh coffee and a slice of lemon drizzle any day of the week! Well, it would have been rude not too wouldn’t it? Sooooooooooo, I bought 2, I know, I know, but one was only 25p as I had £3.75 on my Works loyalty Card, what am I like?  I am already thinking of a couple of cabinets of delight?????? I just need to get cracking!

The other plainer advent calendar drawers are now reduced from £18 to £13 online but £8 in the shop!  I did however manage to resist this time, mainly because I have one set already to do something wit in time, but nevertheless, what a bargain!


  1. Happy New Year Helen and the boys! WOW, what a bargain. If the GD's were younger, and didn't live in Germany I'd be seriously tempted to go hunting! Hope you're keeping well and still crafting! I have an almost filled box of 'Helen Style' Christmas craft stuff that I think you would like - and/or could share with Marc. It's been sitting here for months now. Interested? Just message me on FB if you are. Love, Di - and Dudley AND Hank and Marvin who were MOST annoyed I forgot to add their names to your Christmas card. We LOVED yours BTW! xxxx

  2. Fantastic bargains! I'm a little surprised that you were able to buy only two. I think I would have been tempted to buy half a dozen.


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