Wednesday 15 February 2023

Charity Shop Treasure - Miniature Ceramic Mud Men

Remember the two bags of 80+ clay mud men and pagodas type building I found in my favourite Evesham Charity shop for just £4 a bag a while ago?


Well, it turns out that if I chose to, I could get more than my moneys worth back on eBay! However, when I sent Marc a picture of my swag, he said that Rick/Ian his partner would go nuts for them, soooooooo easy birthday present there then, although I kept a few back for me just in case I came over all inspired!

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Needless to say Marc was right, Rick was thrilled with them, but instead of squirrelling them away in a drawer like I’ve done, he’s put them to good use.

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They made their debut in miniature garden form at The January Furniture Show at the NEC Birmingham the other week as part of the dressing/accessories on one of the stands he’d been commissioned to design.


I don’t think they are permanent arrangements, but they will undoubtedly be carefully taken back to the cottage with a few, no doubt, being put in strategic positions around the garden and veranda, where I am sure they will age even more gracefully.

Now what will I find on my travels next of a useful type nature  ………..?


  1. It seems your gift was spot on. So fun to see that they were used in such an artistic way.


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