Tuesday 21 February 2023

Simple Small Easter Bunny Cards

These cards measure 4ins x 4ins square and used white pre-scored, smooth card blanks from The Range. (Pack of 50 - £3.99)


The intention was to make a card for each of the children in the class I listen to read every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.


The self adhesive rabbits came from Home Bargains, which I believe were 79p for a pack of 8.  The wooden fences cost me an unbelievable 20p for a pack of ten a little while ago from a seller online.


There’s no real great shakes to the cards.  I started with a 3.75cm square of blue paper to which I added a background of green, small patterned paper, adding faux stitching round the edges and a greeting using with a black fine liner pen.


The squares were then stuck to the card blank, followed by the fence, glued on with E-7000 for a really safe and secure fix and then the bunny.


To add a little springtime colour I put small, Fimo clay, nail art flowers on the fence and grass and three small, yellow, punched butterflies to complete the look along with a few clusters of three dots to subtly fill in the empty spaces.

Easter Bunny Easter CardIMG_0597

I’ve made ten so far, another twenty to go!  These will be put in a named envelope with a chocolate bunny attached, to celebrate the end of the spring term.  The school terms really seems to be racing away with us this year!


  1. These turned out great! The children will love them.

  2. Oh-they’re so cute!!!


  3. The children are going to love these cute little Easter Cards, as do I. Tilly

  4. OH! My goodness, these are absolutely gorgeous and so cute, they will absolutely love them.
    Faith x


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