Tuesday 14 March 2023

Guest Crafter Iris And Bertie - Mother’s Day Presents

The dynamic duo have been crafting again, with Mother’s Day very much on their minds.


Marc gave me a box of wooden embroidery hoops from when he bought almost all the contents of an old lady’s craft room before Christmas.  I just put some white, cotton fabric in it, supplied the fabric pens and let Iris fly.


I have to admit it brings a tear to my every time I look at the pictures, it really did all come straight from her little heart.


The bead edging was all her own idea too, I’d forgotten to take any embellishments with me on the day, she disappeared and bought back her bead box and a necklace she said she didn’t wear, she then proceeded to break it up, pinching some of her Dad’s PVA glue and finished the hoop off perfectly. Iris loved making this so much I think she now has plans to make a few more as her end of year “Thank You” gifts for all her classroom staff, bless her.


This is Bertie’s present.  When we had our last sleepover he got it in his head that he would like some clay to “make things with”. We were all set to nip up to The Works when I thought of the small packs of Hobbycraft air drying clay I had squirrelled away. I wasn’t sure about using it, as it did have a contingency rather like chewing gum, however I did open a pack on the off chance and it seemed to have matured, being less sticky and the little man was well chuffed with it.


He rolled the clay into a ball and then flattened it slightly, before, from the box of cutters offered him, cutting a very fat house shape using a cutter he filled right to the very top. He then decided to emboss the front with a heart shaped cutter and riskily, because he wasn’t keen on the idea of letting things dry over night. coloured it in with a red Sharpie pen. He then used the rest of the clay to make a base to stand the house on.


He also wanted to decorate the front of the base, so I found some Fimo nail art flowers and a diamond dot pen to help pick them up and place them.  Oh boy, does Bertie love a tool!


Adding the “moon and back” pendant was just one of those spooky happenstances, goodness only knows how/why it was in the cookie cutter box, but it seems it was meant to be ………. and he was going with it!


Again, another tear jerker, now stashed away like Iris’s “somewhere safe” in their bedrooms until the big day ……. I know I am biased, but they really are lovely children.


  1. Biased, or not, I think you're right. They are lovely children. They've learned to craft from their Nan and to do it with thoughtful, giving hearts. Bless them!

  2. Two lovely gifts and both Iris & Bertie looked like they had great fun.


  3. two beautiful, straight from the heart, keepsakes for Mum, made with much love, well done both of you xx

  4. Oh how lovely, their Mum will have a happy tear in her eye on Sunday I think! And I think you are pretty wonderful too, empowering them and encouraging their artistic ideas every step of the way x


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