Wednesday 1 March 2023

Guest Crafter Paula With Nigel’s Brilliant Highland Ensemble.

A little while ago, on my other blog, I posted a story about Nigel being infatuated by a full Highland ensemble in the window of the charity shop on the corner of our road ……..


Well, once published, to be honest, I didn’t give it too much thought until Nigel received a package in the post ……


It was from a very much loved follower and friend of both blogs and myself) Paula and what she had sent had me so touched and blown away you’ll never know…….


It was the most exquisite monkey sized Highland outfit you’ve ever seen, the detail was breath-taking.


The kilt is a work of art, made from a length of wide tartan ribbon.  I just wouldn’t have known where to start, sewing being my crafting arch nemesis. Just looking at it brings a tear to my eye.


The scale is perfect, not only on the outfit but on Nigel too. The ribbons on the spates/socks are tiny.


As for the jacket and laced vest ……….. they were absolutely gorgeous. Small PG Tips monkeys like Nigel are such a strange shape to dress, so this is pure mastery.


The whole outfit is a true treasure and though tempting to put it somewhere special to keep safe, it will be worn often, whatever the occassion ……. it’s got to be a must for The Coronation!

Finding outfits for Nigel used to be easy, but since Build-A-Bear stopped producing the Small Frys range it’s got a lot harder, and I wont pay the silly money they are asking on eBay, perhaps I should get knitting again, but first Bertie is growing out of his last rainbow jumper and badgering me for another one, there’s no rest for the wicked!

Thank you Paula …….. you’ll never know how much this wonderful gift means to me ………. and Nigel!


  1. What a thoughtful and heartfelt gift. I am certain you absolutely treasure a friend like Paula.

  2. What a wonderful gift and such talent in the making.

  3. Oh how fabulous! Nigel will be up at the crack of 'sparrers' on Coronation Day to get himself all scrubbed and ready for his wonderful outfit! HOW clever is Paula! What a beautiful thought. Di xxx


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