Tuesday 19 September 2023

Heads Up – Halloween Hits Home Bargains

Just a couple of things today, I nipped into Home Bargains, and lo and behold they got their Halloween stuff out, now I really don’t need anything, but it would have been rude not to look …….. and yes, I caved in and did make a couple of considered purchases ……..


I mean, how cute is this sweet jar …… for much less than my usual cup of coffee when out and about in town, it had to be mine for just £1.99 and I’m sure I’ll think of something suitable to put in it, jelly spiders etc. when Iris and Bertie come over for their annual Halloween sleepover.


I quite liked these stacked pumpkin ornaments for £2.99, but there is only so much I can store in my small flat, which, let’s be honest, will only be seen/come out for one month of the year, so I think I can manage to resist these, but I thought the price was really good.


I will however l admit to sneaking a little ghost planter into my basket (£1.99) and may have to go back for a mummy one too, they just made me smile   …….. I had two of the pumpkins from last year, so I may as well make up a set!

The Works have some interesting stuff too, however I don’t plan on doing much Halloween crafting this year as I have enough bits and pieces leftover from previous years to give as fairing gifts, so again am seriously resisting …..for now …….


…….. however I did buy some of their false eyeballs (pack of 12 for £1.50)  as I thought they might sell out pretty fast …. but goodness only knows what I’m going to do with them ……….


  1. Fun stuff! Please share photos of your Halloween decorations when you've got them all up.

  2. OH! Love those items, as for the eyes? What will you do with those? Something wonderful, I'm sure.
    Faith x


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