Monday 23 October 2023

Simple Halloween Pumpkin Badges

This is my one and only offering for Halloween, I’m just not feeling it this year ………


……. small, pumpkin pin badges!


The wooden shapes came from Temu and cost £2.48 for 50, which isn't too a bad deal.


As I wanted the faces to be black, I cut small discs from a sheet of black, self adhesive vinyl and stuck them on the back of each pumpkin.


Then, to make them look a little more professional I gave the fronts a layer of Ranger Glossy Accents, where it didn’t really matter if some dribbled into the holes.


I wasn’t sure about adding the lines, using a black, fine tipped, permanent  pen, so stopped after the first one. I thought the plain one looked more friendly for little ones, if you know what I mean?


When the fronts were completely dry, I was able to attach the butterfly clasp pins on the back using E6000, for a really secure fix.


The paper leaves also came from Temu, costing £1.68 for 15 assorted leaves and sizes, I wasn’t overly impressed when they arrived, they seemed a little expensive ………


….. but admittedly, in this instance, perfect for presenting the pumpkin badges on.


As I have quite a few other wooden shapes and butterfly clips in amongst my stash that need using up, I think I may repeat this idea to either give on the first day of Advent or as Random Acts of Christmas Kindness for Iris and Bertie to deliver, as is their tradition, on the way home from school throughout December.


  1. I think you’ve done it to death. I’ve taken so much inspiration over the years and now do Autumn decs.

  2. Cute badges. I especially like how you presented them on the leaves.

  3. The pumpkin badges look great.


  4. these wooden shapes have made a great badge, and yes, the lines do look more scary lol, don't you just get carried away with Temu !! and spend toooo long looking at the goodies. x

  5. They certainly look professional as always Helen.
    Faith x


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