Monday 20 November 2023

2023 Elizabeth Shaw Mint Favours

It’s a bit of a tradition that I make Marc a box of Elizabeth Shaw Mint favours for Christmas ……. and 2023 is no exception.


I’ve featured them almost every year now, since seeing them demonstrated on a Stampin Up stand at a craft show at the NEC, Birmingham, many, many moons ago …….. and there’s no great shakes to them.


My ancient Stampin-Up punches, after all these years, owe me nothing,  but when I started to punch with them this year, they were very creaky and the cuts weren’t as sharp as they could have been, so I thought that they’d finally given up the ghost, but after a quick spray with WD40, they were soon cutting like young ‘uns again.


I decided to use plain red and green papers this year and as many of the small, leftover stickers I’ve gathered over the years, that really needed using up.


I stuck the plain circles in the middle of the scalloped ones, these would then go either side of the mint, using double sided tape to keep them all together, once decorated.  On one side I put one inch, transparent, gold sentiment stickers from Temu, that cost just £2.98 for 500, so should last me for flipping years …….


…… and on the other side, I used all manner of stickers, including puffy, 3D, and flat ones, adding dots and faux stitches using a white, fine tipped, chalk paint pen on the scallops and plain edges of the centre circle.


Et voila, 44 mint favours duly made …….. and not a single one nibbled, which must be some sort of record!

Sorry, about the darkness of the pictures, I was trying to save electricity re: the lighting,  but the results are terrible, so lesson learned, put the lights on when taking photos!


  1. They look great, your punches should be good for another few years too.


  2. What a fun tradition, and I'm sure Marc looks forward to the mints every year!

  3. What a great idea and fun too, love you do it every year.
    Faith x


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