Tuesday 23 January 2024

Paris Inspired Thank You Tags

Before Christmas Iris went on a five day trip to Paris with school and we wanted to say a small “thank you” to all the staff who made this wonderful trip possible ……… so nine packs of Bear Hug chocolates were duly purchased from Marks and Spencer.  I think they cost £3 for a pack of 4.

But where to put a tag?  

Well, in pondering this, I’m afraid got a little carried away, after I also spotted a box of Merci chocolates ……….

There’s no great shakes to the idea, I just took large, plain tags and covered the front and half the back with some scrapbook papers I’ve had forever, depicting old Paris

On the back we put a message and on the front added two Merci chocolates using double sided tape to secure them …….

…….. and a length of red and white bakers twine to attach the tag to the top of the chocolate box.

I was dead chuffed, I love a theme to work with and this is an idea using Merci chocolates I’m sure I will use again in the coming months, perhaps even years.


  1. They look perfect! The staff will love them.

  2. Time doesn't allow me to go back Helen, but I have seen your gorgeous work and enjoyed it. As for Blogger, I can see your past work if I click on the image. I love this wonderful gift, I should think the teachers are thrilled with it. A great idea as always.
    Faith x


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