Monday 31 May 2010

100 Wedding Favors Finally Finished.

Well, I have finished the wedding favors I started a couple of weeks ago with my sister, and yes, I have finally learned the lesson of engaging my brain before my mouth! And, on top of that, I never want to see or smell another Elizabeth Shaw Mint Crisp again!
Scalloped circle wedding favors in bag
The last time you saw these little darlings they were sitting on my kitchen table all punched out and waiting to be stuck together. 
Scallop circle wedding favors
I have used  cello pretzel bags (from e-bay)  to put  the finished mints in.  It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but the sweets won’t be able move about in the bag when they are moved.
Tag at the top of scallop circle wedding favors

In all we covered 400 mints - to make up 100 bags.  That's 800 sets of scalloped circles, plain circles and flowers!  Mad? ....... Yes, absolutley barking!!! We have both now taken to howling at the moon!

To see the punches etc. that  I have  used  to make these favors just follow this link:-
You can order the scallop and plain circle punches from my friend Lisa


  1. well done Helen - what a mammoth task this must have been ...

    Paula x x x

  2. what a mamoth job ...cant believe it only took a few weeks ..they look wonderful

  3. These are so pretty! I have wedding favours to do for my best friends wedding in September, hoping I am not howling at the moon when I have finished them! x

  4. They look lovely Helen.

    As far as learning to engage brain before mouth'll be fine until the next time someone asks nicely LOL (been there, done that). I only had 50 favors to make for my niece but that was enough...100 fiddly bits of ribbon threaded through the base of the boxes and then tied in double bows - I feel the need to go and lay down just remembering.

    Toni :o)

  5. Wow what a task and a half, well done, they look gorgeous xxx

  6. Oh Helen - they are lovely!!!! The Bride & Groom will be thrilled I am sure. We had our daughter's wedding a few weeks ago, I did favours, chair backs, table centres etc - I can now tie bows in my sleep!! Anj x x

  7. well done they are so pretty and what a great idea xx

  8. They look wonderful ... your hard work was well worth the effort

  9. I love your blog, so honest. Engaging brain before mouth, good luck, though like mistyjay said you will remember until the next time you are asked politely or you see an opportunity to make something special. Keep up the lovely work.

  10. What a massive job! The finished favours look fantastic and I'm sure the bride will be really pleased. I thought about making my own favours, but changed my mind - and I only need 34!

  11. Congratulations for getting them doine! I would have been tearing my hair out after 10! xx

  12. Worth it - they are perfect and think how happy your friend will be. 8 million points I think!


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