Tuesday 1 June 2010

Magazine Cover Birthday Card

Well, this makes a change from my usual newspaper cards - a magazine cover instead, featuring my neice Daisy.
Magazine Cover Birthday Card
To be honest, there’s not much crafting going on here, just me bodging about on the computer! Daisy’s favourite magazine is Sugar (never heard of it!) so I Googled it to get a general idea and this is what I came up with, using  Daisy as the cover girl.
Picture 028 Picture 029
I’ve  made  very simple decoupage layers with Mr Lautner’s picture, a bit of micro glitter on Daisy’s earrings and a smattering of gold stars. That’s it!
Picture 026


  1. I thought of doing a magazine card after seeing your newspaper. Hello and OK seem to be good ones but I suppose you can use any magazine. Bet she loved it x

  2. i just to buy sugar without fail when i was a teen! LOVE IT!! X

  3. Wow Helen - I bet you were the bestest most favourite aunty!!!

    Love all your newspaper cards and now magazine ones... how fab!!!

    Paula x xx

  4. Fantastic card and what a great idea. I would like to make my husband one (a man utd one) for father's day. Would you mind if I used the idea. Do you just type the heading in word document or is it a template. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x


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