Saturday 1 May 2010

Butterfly Birthday Card

I think this style/design of card has been done many, many times before, but I thought I would have a go too.BUTTERFLY CARD 2
It’s made using the Martha Stewart punch I got at the NEC in March.
The papers come from a double sided mini stack which meant that all the patterns were in proportion to the punch and all the colours matched already – which saved me a lot of time.
Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch 2
I’ve added two small matching Anita’s gems to the middle of each butterfly for extra sparkle.
martha stewart Butterfly Punch Picture 036
Simple, quick and very effective.


  1. stunning Helen. So effective. Who couldn't make a stunning card following your inspiration? Paula x x x

  2. Beautiful. Simply stunning. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea.

  3. Oooo...that is sooo pretty. Love the little gems on the butterflies. TFS. ~Glen~

  4. Need to get this punch after using at a crop, lovely.
    I know you must tire of the ??? but what fonts do you use on the newspaper cards please. I'm having a bash & the bulk text font is not right on mine. Thanks so much.


  5. This is such a simple idea x but so gorgeous! Love it x Leigh x

  6. oh that is just beautiful!
    it might be an old idea...but oldies are often goodies, huh? ;0)

  7. simple yet stunning card......fabby

  8. beautiful, stunning and so simple to do ?
    Do stamps cut out fabric or just card/ paper? I love sewing and make sew directly onto card and would love to steal this idea using fabrics.

  9. Another gorgeous and simple card! I'm going to have to have a go at this one! Beautiful!


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