Saturday 1 May 2010

Newspaper Card Queries

  guinness card
I have had a couple of questions about making my newspaper cards, I will do my best to answer them:-
“The Birthday Times” is in Old English MT, size 52  “Exclusive” is in Arial Black – size 48 and the date is Times New  Roman – size 22, I usually do all the other text in Arial Black but the size varies to suit the pictures and/or embellishments.
I always do the “Exclusive” as a simple decoupage layer so that it stands out.
Once you have the top right you are most of the way there, as that part tends to stay pretty much the same.
I design each card on A4 Portrait in Publisher and when I am happy with it, save a copy as a jpeg.  I then open a new page in Publisher in Landscape and insert the jpeg of the design, sizing it to approximately half the page (A5)
I then copy and paste the design several times, cropping the parts I want to make into  simple decoupage layers, until I get a printed sheet as below.
I mat and layer the main design on silver and mount it on an A5 sized card (I cut my all own cards)  adding the layers and other embellishments like stars, glitter or Anita’s 3D gloss finish.
This may seem a little long winded but it works for me.


  1. Helen this update has been so helpful, I am sure we will all appreciate it, I know I do.
    I think the style/idea is brilliant & hope you are happy for me & others to attempt it.


  2. Thank you so much for your instructions. I do so enjoy your blog and your creative talent. I was initially drawn to your blog by its name. I also do a great deal of 'fiddling' around.

    Marg (Alberta, Canada)


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