Sunday 6 June 2010

Sizzix Bigz XL Carry All Box

Sizzix Carry All
I feel really guilty because yesterday I was so negative about my Sizzix suitcase die, so today I thought I would redress the balance by saying how much I LOVE this die (Bigx XL Carry All 656279).
Inside of Sizzix Carry All
I only got it last week after Lisa (Craftfairy) told me how good it was. It’s brilliant!  It’s so easy to put together, despite there being 6 parts to it.  To make it a little bit stronger I have added a piece of card to the bottom.
I am going to use the plain wood and metallic effect boxes for Fathers Day with a few sweets in, but I can think of lots of other ideas on how to decorate them for different themes, especially Christmas.
Sizzix Carry All parts ready to be put together
I have cut out a whole pile of them, ready on my desk to put together, I wanted to try as many patterns of card as I could to see how the look of the box changes.
Most of the patterned card came for Paperbox at NEC Hobbycrafts in March.  I wish I had got more of the wood effect when I saw it.  The metal effect card  is from a card/paper stall on Penkridge Market (Staffs) and is ideal for masculine type boxes.


  1. They look great. I got some of the Kraft rinted with black flowers..naturally, haven't used it, in case it runs out..!

  2. ooh - great boxes... would those dies go through the cuttlebug Helen?

    Paula x x x

  3. I would love to own a die cutter - you are so lucky! I have one on my wish list. Love my daily visit to your blog - keep up the good work please x x x Angela


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