Saturday 5 June 2010

Sizzix Suitcase Die

Aghhhhh, yesterday I turned the air over Wolverhampton  blue,  you are looking at the sum total of over two hours work, for just these three ************* little cases!
Sizzix Suitcases
They look so cute, but I find them a nightmare to put together and look right.  I wanted the die (Sizzix Bigz XL Bag/Suitcase 656115) as soon as I saw it, but was so disappointed with the first few results that the die was put away to gather dust ….. until yesterday ……
Pink Gingham Sizzix Suitcase
With a week off for Whitsun I thought I would try again … but my bin is overflowing with the rejects once more!
Picture 001 Picture 002
I have written this post as a record for me to refer back to, should I ever want to try again.  I think my problem is wanting to use patterned card, in the end I cut two bag sides the same using just the one side of the die and two bags shapes (front and back).
Flowery Sizzix Suitcase
Putting it all together and gluing it neatly seemed to evade me too ……
Blue patterned sizzix suitcase
Is it just me?  Has anyone else encountered any problems? This has beaten me good and proper…. and it takes a lot to make me throw in the towel!


  1. For what it's worth Helen, they look beautiful.
    Although bad for you, it's quite a comfort to hear that you struggle with something because you always appear to do everything effortlessly!

  2. I've never seen it before Helen - and despite what you say, your suitcases are gorgeous. But I understand the aaagghhh and the frustration and even the guilt at not using it, but I'd say you've cracked it!

  3. Looks good enough to me mate but then I don't play with those sorts of machines - just paper & glue in my house !! lol
    Don't despair cos your other stuff is always ace xx

  4. Definately worth the hassle - they're gorgeous. I've just sold one of my sizzix xl bags on ebay as it was too fiddly to make up - the flaps were too small for dst & glue just got everywhere!!

  5. Hi Helen, when I went to buy that same dye from my local craft shop -they recommended I didnt because they said it was so awful to put together. I reckon you've done it really well because others Ive seen look terrible. 100% EFFORT TO HELEN!!!!

  6. I think they're awesome too. Well worth the faffing about. :)

  7. well done you for persevering... it must have been bad to have you beat... but the outcome is very good - shame it was hard to achieve...

    Paula x x x

  8. Yup I bought that same die and then wished I hadn't!
    I have quite a few of the XL dies and usually love them, with this one I asked the retailer if they would mind swapping it for a different die. (I bought it from Cutting Edge Crafts and they agreed to swap it no problem and didn't want me to pay extra postage, definitely a good place to buy dies). I thought for all the hassle putting the cases together they just weren't worth the effort so I'm glad it wasn't just me.


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