Friday 9 July 2010

Geisha Girl Patchwork Card

Patchwork Giesha Girl Card This card used my nine scalloped square template and a mixture of stickers from several Accessorize packs.Geisha Girls Card
All I have added is clear flat gems to the centre of the flowers to complete the design.


  1. that patchwork card looks great, the geisha looks cute :)

  2. I absolutely love this - am now off to raid stash for geisha girls!!.. watch this space!!

  3. i went to accessorise and bought the geisha set in reds and pinks - i've yet to use them, but i will. Do you need to use any additional glue or is the sticky on the back sufficient... i suppose i'll find out when i get my finger out and use them.

    Paula x x x


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