Saturday 10 July 2010

Windmill Flower

Picture 134
Remember the windmill picks I got from Sainsbury’s ?  Well I have had a play and this is what I have come up with, I think it needs a little bit more tweaking , but this will do as the prototype should I make it again.
Picture 132
I had to remove part of the “workings” from the windmill as they just stood out too much from the card and the envelope would have looked bulky when the card was sent.  (Hmmm, perhaps I should have  just learnt to fold the windmill part and saved myself £1.99!!!!)
Picture 133
However, not to be defeated and with a disassembled windmill,  I stuck the flower down with a foam pad, coloured the “stem” green and used PVA to stick it down. I made a template for the plant pot, which is made with Bazzill card and then couldn’t resist adding a wooden ladybird to finish it off, along with a flat backed gem to cover the plastic centre of the “flower”
Picture 143
The leaves are made using a Woodware punch bought at NEC Hobbycrafts.

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