Thursday 26 August 2010

An Autumn Birthday Card for A Walker.

Cards Oct 024
I've this A4 sheet of autumnal coloured leaves for ages, but when I was asked to make a card for a lady who was born in October and loved walking, it was spot on.
The boots are made using a Sizzix die .  I don’t own the die myself, but it is on my wish list because walking is a theme I am often asked for and the die is so cute and adaptable.


  1. I have visions of you getting that die and taking over the crafting world! I see Santa shoeprints, workmans boots, hiking holiday cards - and I bet you could think of a dozen more!
    I recieved an award, and have passed it onto you also - hope you like it. Your blog is so much fun and has so much inspiration. Just go to my blog for an explanation :)

  2. That paper is beautiful and you have come up with a super card.

    Toni :o)

  3. great card and I love that paper!

  4. The colors in this card are beautiful - such a nice change from all the pink and violet we usually see on ladies birthday cards.

  5. Hey Helen - love the card and it fits the bill perfectly. Lovely colours of the leaves and like how you matted and layered the sentiment.


    Paula x x x


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